Even practices on the ‘Advisor Plan’ who are paying just £50 per month, can send all clients the incredibly valuable Business Overview Report for free. Is this a good idea?
Could this be your Freemium Offering?
The Business Overview Reports demonstrate to clients that you can offer much more… To see the report for yourself, click here.
Many clients will want you to help them sort out their bookkeeping to overcome the ‘Rubbish In – Rubbish Out’ problem to make their reports more meaningful and make year-end accounts much quicker and easier to complete.
Can I run a full set of VFD Pro reports showing Clients what we can offer?
Yes, you can deliver the entire VFD Pro Reporting Suite for your clients to demonstrate the tremendous value you can provide.
Some will inevitably agree to pay for ongoing Management Reporting and/or Part-Time FD services.
If the timing is not right, you simply continue to deliver your Freemium offering, (the Business Overview Report), to remind them of the additional value you can deliver, until the time is right.