VFD Pro, the leading financial reporting and modelling platform, has announced its participation in the upcoming Digital Accountancy Show (DAS). The event, set to take place on the 15th of June at Evolution London, serves as a platform for showcasing the latest advancements in digital accounting and finance.
Representing VFD Pro at the show will be Steve Darnell, who will facilitate a compelling session titled “Management Reporting vs. Planning & Forecasting to Help Owners Exit Successfully”. The session is scheduled for 14:30-15:00 at the Advisory Live Theatre.
Joining Steve Darnell in this discussion will be two distinguished guests, Sue Penney of Penney’s Accountancy and Michael Hemme of MDH (Accountancy & Business Growth Specialists). Both Sue and Michael are founders of their respective firms and bring a wealth of experience in helping business owners scale and exit successfully.
The session aims to explore key aspects of management reporting and planning, particularly in the context of business owners preparing for a successful exit. The discussion points will delve into why backward-facing management accounts, profit and loss statements, and balance sheets are not sufficient in today’s dynamic business environment. It will also highlight the importance and profitability of forward-facing planning and forecasting, and why these services are in high demand.
The discussion will further underline how helping clients prepare for and successfully exit their business can be the most lucrative work an accountant can offer. Additionally, the role of financial advisory in attracting and retaining the best talent will be discussed.
Steve Darnell, dedicated to helping business owners survive, thrive, grow, and exit successfully, will facilitate the session. This session is expected to provide significant insights for both attendees looking to enhance their accounting practices and business owners planning for successful exits.
The Digital Accountancy Show offers a platform for industry professionals to share insights, discover new technologies, and network with peers. VFD Pro’s participation in this event underscores the company’s commitment to staying at the forefront of financial reporting and modelling technology and contributing to the further development of the industry.