With rapid action, many distressed businesses that would otherwise go into Administration could be saved, but only with a robust plan and rapid action, typically to improve the immediate cash position.
Ideally you would go from a first meeting to agreeing a robust action plan in under 2 hours and start implementation immediately.
As an accountant, bookkeeper, or Adviser, getting your hands on the information you (and the business owner) need, quickly and in a format that allows for rapid decision making used to be difficult and the one thing you don’t have when the chips are down is time.
All that has changed when VFD Pro introduced the perfect tool to support Business Turnaround and Recovery – you can now perform in two or three hours, work that used to take days, even weeks, (and the associated costs).
Whether your client needs an emergency plan for rapid turnaround and recovery, or you are working towards a more controlled growth strategy, you need a repeatable process you and your team can deliver with businesses that is quick, easy and comprehensive.
By understanding the impact of changes to the mix of services/products has on the business in an instant, you know where to focus on retaining and working to increase sales to the ‘A’ customers, those that generate 80% of the profit. At the other end of the scale identify customers who tie up resource and generate little or no profit and immediately increase prices, so they become profitable or leave and ease cash flow and free up resources.
To see the process being applied in practice, (in less than 1 hour), block out 0930 to 1030 on 14 February 2023 to Join Gaye Prime and Steve Darnell for an online workshop where we take you through the Client Segmentation Model and how to use it step by step, click here to book.