Looking to buy, sell or value a business?
The VFD Pro Business Valuation Model combines seven potential valuation models. These can be ‘weighted’ dependent on the profile of the business and the preferred deal structure.
This ‘blended valuation’ is based on the most recent trading history and projected future performance.
An Understandable, Explainable Valuation: By using standard valuation techniques and input assumptions the process of valuing a business becomes, quick, easy and painless, without diminishing the value of the exercise.
The VFD Pro approach will support you through the entire process from financial due diligence to achieving a desired valuation on exit.
Everything needed to assess the financial viability of a business, calculate an appropriate valuation, and prepare a business plan post purchase.
- Financial Due Diligence
- Detailed Valuation Model
- Performance Trend Report
- Customer Analysis
- Supplier Analysis
- Client Segmentation Model
- EVA Forecast Model
Package: £999 +VAT
Assess a business in the eyes of a prospective buyer, value the business and provide all the financial information a prospective buyer would require.
- Financial Due Diligence
- Detailed Valuation Model
- Customer Analysis
- Supplier Analysis
- Monthly Management Accounts
- EVA Forecast Model
Package: £799 +VAT
Significantly reduce the time to prepare a detailed business valuation with all the information you need at the click of a button.
- Financial Due Diligence
- Business Overview
- Detailed Valuation Model
- Performance Trend Report
- Customer Analysis
- Supplier Analysis
- Monthly Management Accounts
Package: £499 +VAT