VFD Articles

When business owners receive an email from their accountant saying: ‘There are some very specific things you could do to improve your financial performance’, they pay attention…

On Friday the 2nd August, Sean Farnell, a Partner at Burgis and Bullock Chartered Accountants arranged for a substantial number of clients to be added to the Virtual Finance Director. With a quick, easy setup, without training and with a weekend looming, this was quickly completed.

The Virtual Finance Director, (VFD), generated reports, planning and forecast models, so the next task was simple: Introduce Burgis and Bullock’s services to clients and sign them up to a much more valuable and more lucrative reporting and ‘Chief Financial Officer’ services.

As Sean explained in the email sent to clients less than 2 days later…

We can now offer you much more than we have previously, in summary:

  1. Establish a granular understanding of exactly what has happened to your business historically and more important where is scope to improve.
  2. Identify very specific opportunities to not only make savings but more important, improve your sales and profitability.
  3. Set realistic forecasts so you can track and report on progress against target in near real time.’

It will come as no surprise, the recipients, on hearing Burgis and Bullock were offering much more than they had in the past, were keen to know more…

How many hidden opportunities are hidden in your client’s data?