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Branded Presentations

There are 2 options available.

Branded Presentation (Greyscale)

There are 12 PowerPoint Presentations that make up the Financial Management for Business Owners (FiBMO) training programme. To help you to present the most professional image and client experience possible we will take your logo, your colour scheme and re-brand the 12 PowerPoint Presentations for you.

The report examples and images used throughout will be based on a standard set of ‘greyscale’ images. For an even more professional and more impactful presentation you should chose the VFD: FiBMO Support ~ Full Custom Branding Option, (link)

Note: If your practice has specific requirements regarding the colour scheme, layout, choice of images etc. when used for PowerPoint presentations, you are likely to require the Full Customer Branding option.

Branded Presentation (Full Custom Branding)

There are 12 PowerPoint Presentations that make up the Financial Management for Business Owners (FiBMO) training programme. To help you to present the most professional image and client experience possible we will take your logo, your colour scheme and re-brand the 12 PowerPoint Presentations for you.

This option also includes the creation and use of fully branded Demonstration Reports and Models throughout the FiMBO Slide Deck.

In addition to the branding used in the demonstration reports, all illustrations and tables will also be custom branded to be consistent with your brand guidelines.

Note: If your practice has specific requirements regarding the colour scheme, layout, choice of images etc. when used for PowerPoint presentations, you are likely to require the Full Customer Branding option.

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