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Target Exit Value Performance vs Forecast Report
The Target Exit Value Performance vs Forecast Report is generated from the Exit Planning Forecast and Funding Proposal Model to provide your client with an up-to-date performance overview that reports on actual performance compared to forecast performance in the period, plus current and projected valuation.
Typical Use: This is the key report that makes up part of your client’s Financial Management Pack used to track and report on performance and the projected valuation using a blended combination of seven business valuation models. This ensures your client always knows where they are on the journey and when, if current projections are realised, will they achieve their desired valuation
The Ultimate Management of Exit Value: The Target Exit Performance vs Forecast Report makes you a doubly critical part of your client’s management process because without the pre-requisite information and you or your team to help the client correctly interpret the information it contains, your client cannot manage without you, making this the ultimate tool as part of your strategy to become an indispensable part of your client’s business and to the future successful sale of their business.