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Business Data Model

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The Business Data Model is a useful source of management information to answer just about every financial question your client could ever ask.

Anything that is not an integral part of one of the many reports and models, can be found in the Business Data Model. This is also the source of the performance data used in conjunction with the Forecast and Funding Proposal Model to produce the monthly Performance vs Forecast Report.

Typical Use: This is most frequently used by whoever is tasked with preparing the ‘Management Information’ for clients each month as part of their workflow cycle. On the rare occasion the information your client needs is not immediately available, you can take an action to investigate and report, and in next to no time respond with the financial information your client needs.

Whatever the Question, an ‘Answer in Seconds’: The Business Data Model gives your team the ability to:

  • Analyse the P&L and Balance Sheet over the past 3 years
  • produce your own bespoke P&L and Balance Sheet
  • Analyse the customer revenue and transactions over the past 3 years
  • Segment every customer (New/Retained/Lost) over each of the past 3 years
  • Identify exactly what product/service each client has purchased over the past 12 months
  • Analyse invoices and average invoice value by client over the past 3 years

The above allows you to deliver incredibly detailed Management Information, it also provides you the ability to effortlessly deliver exactly the information your client needs and in a format that best suits their needs in a matter of seconds.

How to create a bespoke P&L

Whilst the P&L Trends tab displays 36 months of history based on the Chart of Accounts within your accounting package, you can adjust the presentation to suit specific requirements. Each nominal is assigned to a category and can be grouped with other nominals as required.

  1. Bespoke P&L Design tab
    • List all categories required in column A from row 4 down (do not leave any gaps)
    • Assign the order that each category will appear in column B
    • You can assign cumulative subtotals as you go by selecting yes in column C
    • You can name your subtotal in column D
  2. P&L Trends tab
    • Assign each nominal to a category in the highlighted section in column C
  3. Bespoke P&L Design tab
    • Select whether you would like each nominal displayed in alphabetical or descending value order using the drop down in cell F3
    • Click ‘Create Bespoke P&L’
  4. Bespoke P&L tab
    • Your bespoke P&L will be displayed on this tab

How to create a bespoke Balance Sheet

The Balance Sheet Trends tab displays 36 months of history based on the Chart of Accounts within your accounting package, you can adjust the presentation to suit specific requirements. Each nominal is assigned to a category and can be grouped with other nominals as required.

  1. Bespoke Balance Sheet Design tab
    • List all categories required in column A from row 4 down (do not leave any gaps)
    • Assign the order that each category will appear in column B
    • You can assign cumulative subtotals as you go by selecting yes in column C
    • You can name your subtotal in column D
  2. Balance Sheet Trends tab
    • Assign each nominal to a category in the highlighted section in column C
  3. Bespoke Balance Sheet Design tab
    • Select whether you would like each nominal displayed in alphabetical or descending value order using the drop down in cell F3
    • Click ‘Create Bespoke Balance Sheet’
  4. Bespoke Balance Sheet tab
    • Your bespoke P&L will be displayed on this tab

Example Model

To access the ‘Business Data Model’ please request a free trial of the VFD Pro platform – click here.

The model is available within the ‘Demo Reports’ area of your VFD Pro portal.

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